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EKK Kolganov sphere


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The Kolganov balls from the Enki Institute

Kolganov spheres are associated with astonishing business successes, improved health, better food in hotels, more abundant and healthier fish and animal breeding due to their overall negentropic and thus regenerative effect beyond electromagnetic protection. The effective range of the simple spheres is up to 250 meters.

Lieferung in 2-3 Werktagen
Versandkostenfrei in DE ab 100€


What is it all about?

Normally, our body gets everything it needs to maintain bodily functions from the food we eat every day. Nowadays, foods such as fruit and vegetables contain far fewer nutrients (energy), minerals and vitamins than 30 years ago. In addition, not all people fully absorb and utilize the nutrients they consume so that the body can be optimally supplied. Most people only live at a low level of the required amount of body energy.

Irregular biological pulsation of the body’s organs and tissues (contraction and expansion, tension and relaxation of the heart or lungs, for example) results in chronic diseases (according to Wilhelm Reich). It is necessary to restore regular and optimal pulsation in the body in order to prevent further degenerative processes in all local manifestations (5) and only then will the pathological changes gradually disappear. The “Reich battery” is thus used to regulate the energy metabolism in the human body. The so-called orgone energy is emitted by the sun and can permeate the entire atmosphere according to the prana principle (universal life energy drawn from the cosmos) or the Z-radiation (according to A. L. Tschizhevskij).

96% of the transmission takes place via scalar waves or electric fields, which seek a counter-pool and then find it in attacking plants, humans and animals.
These can be shielded with the Kalgonov sphere.
4% of e-smog is transmitted via electromagnetic waves, especially with smartphones.

The combination of an orgone module coupled with an open oscillating circuit enables the creation of a strong negentropic field – i.e. a field that builds up the body – by generating clockwise torsional waves.

Left-rotating fields, generated for example by electrosmog, destroy our DNA and connective tissue structures and change our cell water information towards the sick or entropic.
The Kolganov spheres generate right-turning torsion fields from pathologically left-turning ones.
Only dextrorotatory torsion fields, so-called phonons, can generate healthy matter.

Coupling the (accelerating driving) diamagnetic forces of crystalline structures (note: the entire body including its microstructure consists of crystalline structures) with the tesla technique of open oscillating circuits to neutralize areas between 250 and 700m2 from electrosmog and radiation from earth faults (Curry and Hartmann grids or carcinogenic left-rotating water veins).

Kolganov spheres are associated with amazing business successes, health improvement, improvement of food in hotels, more abundant and healthier fish and animal breeding due to their overall negentropic and thus regenerating effect beyond electromagnetic protection.
In Russia, they are also successfully used in hospitals and virtually all public institutions as well as in cars, trucks and homes.

A typical sign of a regeneration effect is the occurrence of negentropy (3rd law of thermodynamics, antechamber 2016). This manifests itself after the original order of a system has been restored, measurable by a reduction in temperature, as the Kolganov star can clearly demonstrate. A wide range of possible applications in the public sector as well as in private facilities or in the commercial / industrial sector confirm the sustainable success.

  • Energization of water
  • Vitalization/improvement of food quality
  • Houses and apartments
  • On the farm (vegetable and fruit cultivation, meat and fish production)
  • Schools, cinemas, shopping centers, universities, health centers, hospitals
  • Traffic and transport safety, when traveling (e.g. use in the car)

Synergistic effects are present between other systems (e.g. the Tesla antenna) and the Kolganov sphere. The balancing orgone energy of the sphere complements the existing open oscillating circuits.

Materials used:

Original Kolganov ball certificate:

Since October 2021, this emblem has been installed in all original Kolganov balls produced and patented.

It is a mark and seal that this ball is an original construction by the Kolganov team in Moscow and has undergone all quality controls there.

If you bought your original Kolganov ball before this period, please contact us so that we can send you this certificate by email.

Enlightening hint:

The use of this technology does not replace medical diagnosis and treatment. The Kolganov sphere is not a medical device within the meaning of the Medical Device Directive and only supports the wellness process. All properties described here are only observations and are not a promise of cure.

Additional information




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EKK Kolganov sphere