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Quantum station – GENIAL – Neutralize interference fields in the home


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From the manufacturers of the quantum stones: Imagine you can simply neutralize electrosmog and geopathic interference.

The GENIAL does just that for you! Your home becomes a retreat full of harmony and positive energy. No more tiredness and stress, instead you will feel fresher and more vital. Enjoy a life without external energies and feel how lightness and well-being characterize your everyday life.

Lieferung in 2-3 Werktagen
Versandkostenfrei in DE ab 100€


The GENIAL can be placed anywhere in the house. Thanks to its quantum-physical alignment, GENIAL neutralizes all geopathic and electromagnetic stress – both radiation generated inside a building and radiation penetrating from outside.
Photo of product Genial On living room table

Minimize electrical load

Increase your well-being with the quantum station

In the modern world, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields that can affect our quality of life. With GENIAL, we offer you pioneering solutions to promote your health and well-being by minimizing electromagnetic pollution.

GENIAL enables you to neutralize interference fields and protect yourself from electrosmog, microwaves, earth radiation and cosmic radioactivity – throughout your home. People slow down and appear more cheerful, happier, with stronger nerves and visibly rejuvenated thanks to improved radiance. Detail photo of product Genial

Minimize disruptions in the home

GENIAL works according to the principle of quantum mechanics – it straightens the life principle so that pathogenic deformations are minimized. GENIAL neutralizes:

  • Geopathic disturbances (Benker grid, Curry grid, earth radiation, etc.)
  • Electromagnetic fields and radio radiation, e.g. 5G, WLAN, electrosmog
  • Microwave frequencies caused by electrical cables and devices
  • Cosmic radioactivity
  • Radon leaks from the earth
  • External energies that impair (or disrupt) life
  • Hypersonic noise, e.g. from wind turbines

Positive effects through GENIAL

Users describe how GENIAL has changed their lives:

  • No more sensitivities to electrosmog
  • Less stress through more harmony
  • Immediate connection with the energy of the heart
  • No more influence from “external energies”, you no longer feel vulnerable
  • Increase in vital energy
  • Hypersonic noise, e.g. from wind turbines, no longer noticeable
  • Everything is easier by hand
  • Perceived rejuvenation
  • Well-being at all levels


Scientific research

Photo of product Genial on TV bench

“What is the ether?” The physicist Jemes Clerk Maxwell, developer of Maxwell’s equations, already assumed in the 19th century that there is no “empty” space, but that we are constantly and comprehensively surrounded by matter, called ether. This ether is regarded as the carrier of all physical processes, e.g. as the carrier for the propagation of light or electromagnetic waves. Aristotle first dealt with this in ancient times and described the ether as the 5th element and “fabric of life”, as the quintessence on which our entire life is based. An intact ether has a positive influence on people – psychologically and physically – and is crucial for a long and healthy life!

“We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way and which is at the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only secret.”

Richard P. Feynman, Nobel Prize winner of the 20th century


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Quantum station – GENIAL – Neutralize interference fields in the home