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Beyond Matter – Car protection shield

260,00 480,00 

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What does the product do?
It protects against the extreme levels of electrosmog in electric cars, hybrid vehicles and cars with modern on-board electronics. Do I need the product? If you own a modern car: “Yes!”. Good to know: According to the criteria of building biology, all modern cars – but especially e-cars and hybrid vehicles – are places of extreme electrosmog exposure.

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Protection against electrosmog in electric cars and cars with modern on-board electronics.

Every car with modern on-board electronics is an “electrosmog slinger”. You can feel this, for example, in excessive tiredness, irritability or exhaustion. Do you know this feeling? Especially after long car journeys? If so, then you should equip your car.

Modern cars have an electrosmog problem.

All types of cars with modern on-board electronics produce electrosmog – not just electric cars and hybrid vehicles. The reason: the interaction between these on-board electronics and the Faraday cage created by the car. The same applies to cell phones (smartphones), tablets and notebooks (laptops). What’s more, GPS and cell phone signals that reach the car from the transmitter become stronger during a journey because the transmitter has to aim at a moving target and therefore has to provide more power. Basically, the older the car, the less electrosmog exposure, the newer the car, the more electrosmog exposure. Christian Opitz, EMF expert and scientist: “If you apply the criteria of building biology, you should only spend a short time in a conventional car and not at all in an electric car, because an electric car is a room with extreme EMF exposure.”

The electric shock: stress like after losing your job.

The fact that electrosmog endangers health is now considered proven, but not recognized! In an electric car, electrosmog is particularly stressful. Our electric car study shows that 15 to 30 minutes of driving in an electric car leads to stress levels comparable to those after losing your job! The cortisol level, which measures your stress, rises to an incredible 0.4ng/mol (Ng = nanogram)! An increase to 0.4 nanograms is anything but good. Such a value is never reached under normal living conditions. The fact that a short journey in an electric car leads to such an increase is not good news. To counter-regulate the cortisol that is produced after 15 to 30 minutes of driving in an electric car, your body would need several hours under ideal conditions! With Beyond Matter it’s quicker.

Reach your destination stress-free.

The e-car study shows that the same journey in the same e-car with Max from Beyond Matter leads to exactly the opposite result: A reduction in cortisol levels by almost 0.4 ng/mol as well! The reduction in cortisol levels by 0.8 ng/mol overall (from +0.4 ng/mol to -0.4 ng/mol) is a truly extraordinary effect. For comparison: Normally, measures to reduce stress reduce elevated cortisol by a maximum of 0.1 to 0.2 ng/mol(source 01; source 02; source 03)! The result is the

This is repeated proof that Beyond Matter has a reciprocal effect to exposure to electrosmog: without Beyond Matter, the cortisol value increases by 0.4ng/mol. With Beyond Matter it decreases by almost the same amount! Beyond Matter does not simply neutralize electrosmog (this would correspond to a value of 0.0 ng/mol), but transforms it, which is good for your body in the long term! This can be seen not only in minimized stress parameters, but also in maximized recovery parameters, the so-called heart rate variability (HRV).

If your heart is dancing, you are doing well.

Heart rate variability describes differences in the time units between two heartbeats. A healthy nervous system shows a higher variability of these intervals: a rhythmic up and down. In medicine, the term “heart rate variability” is used for this. When your heart is moving in rhythm, when it is “dancing”, then you are in a relaxed “flow state”… things happen to you “just like that”. In flow, your autonomic nervous system regulates itself via the parasympathetic nervous system and not via the sympathetic nervous system, as is usually the case in everyday life. The sympathetic nervous system puts you under stress: it keeps you awake, active and alert. Under the influence of electrosmog, this state is permanent, because electrosmog induces stress, i.e. it activates your sympathetic nervous system unilaterally. In a relaxed parasympathetic state, your heart rhythm dances around the sinus rhythm with great variability. The more dancing, the better. The more rigidity, the worse. Nature knows no beat, i.e. the repetition of absolutely the same thing. Nature only knows rhythm, the repetition of similar things. Rhythm is flexible. The more flexible the rhythm, the better the basic regulation of your body works. Basic regulation, in turn, is essential for health, vitality and well-being. And here’s the thing: Beyond Matter optimizes your body’s basic parasympathetic regulation. In other words: Beyond Matter makes your heart dance (again)! The Beyond Matter car shield turns every car journey into a wellness break!

What you should know.

  • A set of 2 plates is suitable for small or very small cars (minis),
  • A set of 4 plates is suitable for medium, luxury and compact class vehicles, multi-purpose vehicles, sports cars and off-road vehicles.

And this is how you place Max:

  • Set with 2 plates: Two plates in the area of the front row of seats; ideally one plate per storage compartment of the car door.
  • Set with 4 panels: Two panels in the area of the front row of seats. Two plates in the area of the rear row of seats. One plate per storage compartment in the car door.

Note: If children regularly ride in the rear seat, we recommend – regardless of the size of your car – four and not two plates for interference suppression!

Shield against electrosmog? Not (anymore) necessary!

Many people think that protection against radiation is synonymous with shielding against electrosmog. That may once have been the case. But it no longer is. Thanks to EssenceX. Our products do not shield against electrosmog, they go much further. They neutralize and transform it. To help you understand what we mean, we use the following analogy: Normally, an air filter is used to filter toxins out of the air. It is therefore there to neutralize harmful air. If an air filter also transformed toxic air into fresh forest air after a thunderstorm, it would also be able to transform harmful air. Our products transform electrosmog. And you can feel it. For example, through an increased ability to recover and regenerate (resilience), improved performance and energy provision (power) and – in general – a greater sense of well-being (flow). Of course, you can also measure the transformational effect of our products.
And we have done just that:

Beyond Matter. The new standard.

Anyone can make a lot of claims. What we claim is proven. Not by “just anyone”, but by independent institutions following strict scientific criteria. The fact that our studies are published in renowned specialist journals, such as “Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine”, is a tribute to our striving for honesty and authenticity. For you, this means that the search for protection against electrosmog that really works ends here.

Because it really works.

Studies show that Beyond Matter products have a 300% effect over placebo, improve well-being by 90% and reduce complaints by 40%, e.g. fatigue syndrome, heart and stomach/intestinal complaints. Important: It goes without saying that all studies were carried out by independent institutes according to strict scientific criteria.


What are the car plates made of?
Each plate is made of 100% EssenceX Schungite.

How many E-Auto plates do I need?
This depends on the size of your car. With two plates, small and very small cars (minis) can be suppressed, with four plates, mid-range and luxury class cars, compact class cars, multi-purpose vehicles (vans, transporters, platform trucks) as well as sports and off-road vehicles (SUVs).

How many plates do I need if I have children riding in my small or very small car and sitting in the back?
In this case, you should use four panels and not two! Place two plates in the front and two in the rear seat area. One plate per storage compartment of the car door.

What is the ideal way to attach the panels?
Each plate comes in a case made from merino wool felt. The case has a “hidden” nylon zipper and is fitted with a Velcro/adhesive strip that allows you to attach it inside the car. Where should I ideally attach the plates?
We recommend placing them in the storage compartment of the car doors. Depending on the size of your car, proceed as follows: For small and very small cars (minis), two plates are sufficient, both placed in the front area of your car; one plate per storage compartment of the car door. For all other cars – i.e. larger cars – you should use four plates. Place two of the four plates in the front area and two in the rear row of seats. The same applies here: ideally one plate per storage compartment in the car door.

Can I use the plates without a case?
This is of course possible, but we strongly advise against it. The reason: risk of injury. The plates are heavy and sharp and should never be left unprotected in the car.

Product details:
– made from 100% EssenceX shungite,
– scientifically proven protection against electrosmog and 5G,
– long service life: works without loss for a lifetime,
– for small and very small cars (minis),
– contents: 2 plates,
– Each plate comes in a case,
– Case is made of dark gray merino wool felt (Oeko-Tex),
– Case is equipped with Velcro/adhesive strips for attachment,
– Plate dimensions with case: approx. 13 cm x 19 cm x 1.6 cm,
– Weight per plate: approx. 380 g (with felt pouch approx. 435 g).

Additional information


2 pieces, 4 pieces


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Beyond Matter – Car protection shield
260,00 480,00